It’s the little things that count so much,
while many things are awfully overrated.
Would you rather have a Rolex watch or.....
an enema when you are constipated?
Or a toothbrush when you teeth feel grungy? ‘Cause.....
brushes work better that removing fungi!
And life with no bike may seem like “small potatoes”,
but at times it’s like a BLT sans sliced tomatoes.
Air-polluting vehicles certainly have their place,
but in rush hour traffic a bike may win the race.
And two dozen red roses may seem quite nice,
or a flute of champagne from a bottle kept on ice,
BUT once you’ve had that AND still been divorced twice,
a loving smile and a peck on the cheek should more than suffice.
SO.... I guess I should replace with “Big” my title’s “Little”,
since, if you’ve suffered with “Dry Mouth”, you’ve craved spittle.
AND if you’ve had that or something like that happen to you.....
you’ll agree “Big” is the adjective for which this poem’s title is due.
(November 7,2013)
Bri Edwards