Many experience religion in this life, but few have met Jesus Christ,
For in many churches you shall find, religious people of every kind,
They religiously go every week, but, what is it that they really seek?
Eternal Truths from God my friend, or is religion their ultimate end?
Religion is man’s attempt to fill, a need for God, through man’s will,
Man needs to fill an emptiness, found only in God’s Righteousness,
A righteousness obtained through, Christ, who died for me and you,
Not from man’s traditional piety, but through the Grace from Calvary.
To church many will religiously go, while The Lord they do not know,
Jesus Christ the head of His Church, even though they weekly perch;
They may know facts about the Lord, but, Truth He spoke is ignored,
For many churches are filled with men, who haven’t been Born Again.
Born of God, by His Spirit above, beyond all the facts they know of,
So brought into the family of God, to make a difference on this sod,
To walk with God in newness of life, in the power of the Jesus Christ,
Leading into New Life, dear friend, as religious ways come to an end.
The difference in religion and faith, is a relationship attained by grace,
A personal kinship with The Savior, so one can walk with their Creator,
The One who provided the only way, to walk with our Lord day to day,
To abandon religion that’s so rife, to a faith by Grace, in Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©09/2013)
Bob Gotti