My Heart Sings On
I sing to a soul of the unknown
I stand by my wind sing to the moon
The stars for all the eyes to see
Wind cares my tuns to the unknown soul
I see your eyes in the soft embers of an amber sunset
glowing red as the flames of a love lost are re-ignited
So many tears did flow from my eyes
To your I do know hold in my soul
A passion rush through me like the raven sea
taken hold of me
The current of heartache love unrequited
Empty are all was all my favorite places with no faces
the rain falls with my pains I cry
I dance with the unknown
The face I could not see
Standing by my window looking into to the fating sky
Stars flicker holding it's love to the moon
I ask myself why do my heart sing on high in the wind
It send to the unknown my love
I do pray to hold on to my faith
why can I not see your face
Would you be standing with me by my window
looking at these same stars that shine in my eyes to yours
Would you be sing to me on your thrown
Is that why the moon is hung so low
I turned, saying...I love you
But that you already known
So fine are my thoughts that run through my heart to yours
The words of your beauty holds me
I call you my silk love that rush to me like the summers breeze
That takes hold of me
My soul hungers to be held by you
Fine mist on a summers morn
left me feeling your breath on my face on my lips
My heartbeat to yours like the sea
The wind sings for me right out my window to yours
That I am sure I need no outside world
To hold what I truly feel
Your love I do reveal to the stars that shine on high
To the moon that gives it's dimmers light
I held my my voice to the wind
I blown a kiss to the winters bless right to you
I know not whether is right
But I feel no wrong
My heart sings on
Lilly Emery
My Unknown Love
Lilly Emery