Have you met my precious daughter?
She's sometimes quite a hoot!
And although sometimes I've caught her,
Though naughty, she's so cute!
While I've done my best to reach her,
To save cash while she can,
God has also been her teacher,
To help her fellow man...
She made me proud the other day!
Donating to the poor,
She gave her savings all away
And thrilled me to the core!
To think she cared, unasked by me,
Unprompted, still she gave...
She sacrificed unselfishly,
The other lives to save...
Now that's what I believe worthwhile,
A noble sentiment...
That's when my child made me to smile,
For she was Heaven-sent...
I cherish her with all my heart,
She's daily in my prayers,
For giving proves a lifelong art,
From such as she who cares...
Children in need are precious, too,
But children can support,
The ones in need when they're in view,
It only takes some thought...
It's good to save, don't get me wrong!
We like expensive things!
Yet nothing makes the heart more strong
Than growing angels' wings!
So be an angel, when you can,
Bless charities you find,
It's when we help our fellow man
That we find peace of mind...
My darling daughter, comprehend,
You're precious in my sight!
God loves a cheerful giver, friend!
So give with all your might!
Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2011.
Denis Martindale