Download the file : [July09.2014]:
Working and updated as of June 2014
Aimbot Options
- Bone Aim
- Visibility Tracing
- Autowall
- No Spread
- No Shake
- Prediction
- Trajectory Aim
- Smart Targeting
- Bulletdrop Correction
- Auto Attack
- Knife Hack
- Customizable Aim FOV
- Customizable Aim Bone
- Customizable Target Selection Method
- Customizable Aim Keys
- Customizable Max Aim Distance
ESP Options
- Player Names
- Player Distance
- Bounding Boxes
- Health Bars
- Aim Target Highlight
- Tactical Analysis
- 3D Spheres
-- Grenades
-- Explosives
-- Projectiles
- Customizable ESP Teams
Visual Options
- Lasers
- Enemy Warnings
- Aim Warnings
-- Enemy Visible
-- Enemy Can See You
-- Enemy Aiming At You
- Threat Warnings
2D Options
- 2D Radar
-- Show Frame
-- Show Window
-- Show Cross
-- Show Enemies
-- Show Teammates
Misc Options
- Crosshair
- Clock
- FPS Counter
- Enemy/Friend List
"Dev Team" "Battlefield 3" bf3 "Dev tags" DogTags cheats hack hacker cheater aimbot wallhack Boss_AA "Like A Boss" "U MAD?" AtificialAiming.Net "Headshot...Dev Team" ''bf3 hack'' massmurder ''battlefield hacks'' ps3 "bf3 aimbot hack" "bf3 level hack" "cheat bf3" "Battlefield (series)"Battlefield, Dev, team, tags, knifebot, cheats, hacker, new, HuskyHog, HelioS, Boss_AA, wallhacker, wallhack, no, spread, godlike, 2012, esp, nametags, mad?,...Battlefield, Hack, Hacks, online, mass, murder, free, good, work, august, 2012battlefield, Battlefield (series), Battlefield 3 (Video Game), hack, aimbot, wallhack, massmurder, hacks, überdamage, ueberdamage, Video Game (Industry), Hac...Dev Team, Battlefield 3, bf3, Dev tags, DogTags, cheats, hack, hacker, cheater, aimbot, wallhack, Boss_AA, Like A Boss, U MAD?, AtificialAiming.Net, Headshot...