The black scorpion is one of the most feared anthropods in the country, an animal that used to be killed on sight as a defence reflex. Now, there are people that hunt and capture the fearful animals; catch a few big ones and you are set for life.
The black-market trade of black scorpions is at its peak in Sindh. Catching them is not an easy task; capturing a poisonous scorpion that often scurries away at the slightest of movements. People in the coastal belt of Sindh, however, still do it to get good money.
The black scorpion goes at a premium, as compared to the yellow one. A scorpions that weighs more than 50 grammes can fetch eye-raising figures and one that weighs more than 100 grammes is literally worth more than its weight in gold. Since prices increase exponentially, each additional gramme of weight is more valuable than the last.