Welcome guys to your very favourite show, Bollywood This Week. The launch of Mid-Day's new avatar was a grand affair. Amitabh Bachchan raised laughs with his antics and magic tricks at 'Bhoothnath Returns' promo launch. Alia Bhatt, Mahesh Bhatt and Imtiaz Ali visited PVR cinemas to gauge audience reaction for 'Highway'. The first look and promo of 'Jal' was inaugurated by the film's cast and crew. Check out what Farhan Akhtar, Vidya Balan, Ali Zafar, Yaami Gautam and Sunny Leone have to say in your favourite 'Itsy Bitsy Interviews'. And lastly, check out the top 5 tweets of the week in our fun concluding segment. It's a bollywoodhungama.com exclusive video. Must watch!