How do you feel about Trading Card Games? How do you feel about video games? If you said yes to both of these, then good for you. Now if you like seeing both of them combined into one, what the hell's wrong with you? The Pokemon TCG for the Gameboy Color is another example of you need luck in order to beat this game. I don't have any of that, but hey, that's what save states are for. So enjoy this playthrough... I guess.
"Okay, after all that delay with that pointless duel for a booster pack full of nothing but energy cards and our so called "accidental battle" against... Ronald... ..., we're finally ready to get our next medal: The Lightning Medal. My only luck in this club is that I get my Fighting and Psychic Pokemon to assist me, otherwise it's not gonna look good for Squirtle & Friends.
Oh and spoiler alert, in case you couldn't tell by the name of the title, we first face off against a fan girl who's obsessed with Pikachu. Whatever it is: Normal Pikachu #1, Normal Pikachu #2, Flying Pikachu, Surfing Pikachu... You name it, chances are she's got it. Can I survive it folks? WILL I survive it folks? There's only one way to find out, so go watch already!"