A scientist with the European Space Agency, Isabelle Dicaire believes building massive space lasers could help. The purpose of the lasers is for them to control the weather.
Climate change is a controversial issue and in an attempt to engage the scientific, educational and political communities in solutions, the first Climate Engineering Conference was held in Berlin. One proposal discussed sounds rather far-fetched.
A scientist with the European Space Agency, Isabelle Dicaire believes building massive space lasers could help. The purpose of the lasers is for them to control the weather.
In order for it to work, the lasers would have to orbit and shoot the sky. As radical as it may sound, other scientists are in favor of the idea and chimed in with their own suggestions.
One of which is to use them to break down greenhouse gases. Another proposal is utilizing the space lasers to form clouds which will in turn reflect the sun’s heat away.
The idea for high-powered lasers in orbit to manipulate the weather is just a theoretical concept, but many experts agree that space may one day play a key factor in fighting global warming.
As noted by several ESA scientists who participated in the Climate Engineering Conference, “Since its early days space activities have provided tools for solving global societal challenges and have contributed to a better understanding of the Earth's climate.”