STORY: World War II film "Fury," starring Brad Pitt, follows five men overcome with fatigue and trucking along in Nazi Germany during the final months of the war. Pitt said the cast worked to convey the sense of pain and hardship the soldiers encountered.
"Talking to the guys who have been there. They painted this picture of total and utter exhaustion. The days on end with no sleep, no food, cold and it was incumbent on us when the film starts that you feel that and you feel the psychological dent of the years of the all the trauma they witnessed," Pitt said.
Joining Pitt in the tank are actors Shia LaBeouf, Jon Bernthal, Michael Pena and Logan Lerman, who all underwent an intense military boot camp to research and bond.
Pitt added: "It was a very, very intense shoot. We went through a lot of physical training, a lot of mental training. We sparred with each other for months, which is an insane idea. But we really get to know ea