writing had been clearly maritime written
highlighted upon oceans walls for decades
greed claimed oceans could not be emptied
stupidity said inexhaustible were vast seas
but decades of data affirmed emptying seas
an example was tuna and tuna-like species
was denied by supposed expert statements
“serious over-fishing has been largely avoided
for various reasons, (such as) including the high
productivity of tuna species and possibly, (what)
decreases in fish prices to uneconomical (prices)
as markets become (unbelievable) saturated”
a world ever expanding ever hungry population
and de expert believes markets are saturated?
but a temporary blip in saga sea fish markets
world trends fish eating clearly demonstrated
affirmed documented globally increased sales
1950s to 2000 fleets raped increased catches
catches of southern bluefin steeply increased
from only 14 000t in 1952 to 53 000t in 1961
between 40 000t and 55 000t until date 1974
warns unsustainable fluctuated without trend
from 47 000t in 1980 to only 12 000t in 1991
observe catches fast steeply steadily decreased
needle next between 11 000t to 17 600t flickers
15 000t in 2002 about to risk nose dive reported
as venerable blue fin tuna warning extinction goes
so all fish predators fishing down species goes
catch fish before bred in unsustainable numbers
are excellent fish stocks disaster extinction recipes
Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)