I am growing and I am learning
but honestly, I'm not always on top
doing great. Few things are more difficult
to live with than being Misunderstood.
Sometimes its downright unbearable.
When I am Misunderstood,
I have no defense and I have
noticed that Its usually get worse
I go fully get loaded, ready to set them
Straight, and all I do is dig myself deeper!
The harder I work the worse it gets
and the deeper it hurts.
I was misunderstood!
And no mutter how I tried,
How loud I might have shouted back,
I was still misunderstood.
That happens all the time
I experience in my little own world
a measured of what I could call persecution.
And persecution might come
from an innocent implication.
I didn't mean anything by it,
but It was misread and
an offense was created.
I am not alone. If it's any comfort to me,
This is has always been standard
operating procedure for the people of God.
It's part of my growing process.
I do not grow fully and completely
without sometimes being misunderstood.
Mary Wismer