People throng the cemeteries
On ‘All Souls Day’,
Remembering their beloved ones,
Respects to pay!
All flower-decked and candle-lit,
Cemeteries stay;
Most relatives hear Requiem Mass,
Kneel down to pray!
They sing those famous songs of love
For near and dear;
Their emotions are stirred again,
Eyes filled with tear.
The separations are relived,
They burn incense;
Some weeks or years had rolled off fast,
Death stole souls since.
The agony to some was great,
With kith, kin lost;
They plead to God to show mercy
At any cost!
They call upon the saints that died
To intervene;
They cannot forget how they cried
With thoughts ev’rgreen!
The beggars line up to get alms,
And charity;
Most people dole out cash and kind,
Full of pity.
The prayers, masses, good deeds touch
The Most High’s heart;
When God’s love falls as rain-showers,
Then people part!
‘God, empty Purgatory, ’ they plead;
‘With light divine! ’
May faithful all departed rest! ’
From tracts, they read.
Dedicated to all Souls on all Souls Day,2011!
By ‘Holy family Church, ’ Perundurai
Copyright by Dr John Celes 02-11-11
Dr John Celes