Now it is easy to trick your mind into believe that your body has a mind of its own
Well, in reality your body is one mind, one soul, and one emotional roller coaster in which men dare to ride
See the ride should be easy to aboard, nor hard to stay on while going up and down on the track
However, control the ride until you want it to stop
See life is all about mind games, and who can play them to the extent of manipulating the other
Therefore, your mind is the start of a lover, and the human being hiding under someone else's cover
So before you blame your body and emotions for giving up, and letting the male "cut"
Remember your mind connects with your limbs so you have control…
So "spread your legs"
….Keep in mind; all along, I have been talking to your emotional mindset in your head
Now it's up to you if you open or make him go home
Decision now, time is gone…..
"One decision can change your life, but one life will never change a decision once its made"
Will Coleman