Snow falls down
Cold knocks on the door
Warm is going away
Hugs are what holds you warm
Remember when we met?
Snow was falling
The cold knocked on the door
Warm was going away
But you got it back..
My heart is now warm as a fire inside the house
You got my warmth back by telling me things..
Snow is falling
Cold is knocking
Warmth is going
And we are vowing
''Don't make me cold again''
My dear friend you said
Snow isn't falling
Cold isn't knocking
Warm is coming
We made it warm again by promising
''Don't make me cold again''
You made me happy to see
What we can be
Everytime we talk
You got me warm
You got my heart beating
You got the time right
You got the colors bright
My heart is like a train
My brain doesn't work
I'm like a winter cold
I'm the freezing thing out there
But you made me warm again..
Thanks my friend
I hold you dear
I'll hold you tight like a child that just got a teddybear
I'm warm
I'm happy
It's my turn to say something now
Everytime i remember this
i'll always say inside my heart
''Thanks for making my days warm again''
Tilde Sauffaus