Mommy, Daddy, how I miss you
and I know you're missing me.
There are windows here in heaven
and every day I look and see
my toys all in the toybox
and my dolls up on the shelf
but I can't pull them in my wagon now
nor hold them to myself.
My little rocker's empty
and your arms feel empty too.
I can see the sadness in your face.
Mommy, Daddy, I love you.
My music box is quiet
but I don't need to hear it play.
Mommy, Daddy, it's not needed now -
angels here sing every day.
Please don't worry that I'm lonely,
there are children everywhere.
We are all His little angels
and there's so much love up here.
Mommy, Daddy, please don't cry for me,
heaven's such a lovely place.
God says you did your very best
and your love shows in my face.
Mommy, Daddy, when you need me
just look up and say a prayer.
I will see you through the windows
and I'll hear your voice up here.
C.J. Heck