Here is an uplifting thought,
Greater than some problems we have now rought!
Let's care more about their minds,
Than their brawn,
Let's uplift their brilliance while they are still in our town.
Never mind,
We can't possibly actually do this!
They say there is no time,
They say there is no class!
We must do this and
We must do that!
All the time,
I lament,
Who looks out for the students in this wreck?
Most teachers who speak out against sports,
Know it wouldn't be prudent,
It wouldn't be right,
Sports are society,
Sports are their right?
However, can we not collectively ask,
'Is it strange to pass school,
And then flunk out of life as a general rule? '
Stop to Think,
What should we prepare the students for,
How about those old test scores!
However, how long can we still fail to uplift their minds,
Before we show them the door?
Nadalia Bagratuni