john tiong chunghoo - Haiku - Basho's frog and old pond 2014-11-07

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frog and old pond
i wait to hear the sound
of basho's famous poem

old pond
stiller than all
a frog

night pond
the wind carressing
the moon

fulll moon
in the dimlight
daughter's sparkling eyes


The old pond
Following are several translations
of the 'Old Pond' poem, which may be
the most famous of all haiku:

Furuike ya
kawazu tobikomu
mizu no oto
- Basho

Literal Translation

Fu-ru (old) i-ke (pond) ya,
ka-wa-zu (frog) to-bi-ko-mu (jumping into)
mi-zu (water) no o-to (sound)
Translated by Fumiko Saisho

The old pond-
a frog jumps in,
sound of water.
Translated by Robert Hass

Old pond...
a frog jumps in
water's sound.

Translated by William J. Higginson

An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.
Translated by Harry Behn

There is the old pond!
Lo, into it jumps a frog:
hark, water's music!

Translated by John Bryan

The silent old pond
a mirror of ancient calm,
a frog-leaps-in splash.
Translated by Dion O'Donnol

old pond
frog leaping
Translated by Cid Corman

Antic pond-
frantic frog jumps in-
gigantic sound.
Translated by Bernard Lionel Einbond

'Dere wasa dis frogg
Gone jumpa offa da logg
Now he inna bogg.'
- Anonymous
Translated by George M. Young, Jr.

Old pond
leap - splash
a frog.
Translated by Lucien Stryck

The old pond,
A frog jumps in: .
Translated by Allan Watts

The old pond, yes, and
A frog is jumping into
The water, and splash.
Translated by G.S. Fraser

john tiong chunghoo

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