if i could go anywhere
or do anything I wanted,
it would not matter
where i went or what i did
just as long as
it was with you.
if I could be anyone
at any time in history,
it would not matter
who i was or when
just as long as
i could spend
my days with you.
if i could adore any woman
in all the vast earth
and tenderly kiss her
throughout the sweet eternity
of this exact moment,
i would kiss you.
if i could make time stand still
on any given day,
whenever i wanted,
i would gladly do so
just as long as
i could share
the missing hours
with you.
we could stop the world
in mid-rotation,
go for a run,
or do any
of a thousand
other things.
it would not really matter
where we went
or what we did
just as long as
we were together.
William Jackson