When autumn comes leaves change from green to yellow, red and brown, and just like the change autumn brings to leaves autumn does the same to human life. Autumn a woman about fifty five is starting to feel autumn in her life. When it’s hot, Autumn is cold, and when it’s cold Autumn often feels hot. Autumn feels more down than up as she goes through the autumn of her life. An as her autumn progresses Autumn often thinks back to the spring and summer of her life. The spring was when her womanhood began from the forming of her breast to her first menstrual cycle. The summer was when passion became a part of her life from her passion to become the successful lawyer that she became. To the passion of love were she lost her virginity. But those seasons are now just memories for Autumn is now in the Autumn of her life. And although she must go through all these changes Autumn has a contentment about her. She knows that in order to enjoy the winter of her life she must go the changes that her autumn now brings
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