Angels can be fast and some can be slow
but one thing is sure they are with us wherever we go.
I have a cat that I love so dear and one dark night she
was full of fear. In her throat a bone had stuck so tight
and it was causing her to have a sleepless night.
I prayed to the Lord to help her pain but all the praying
seemed just in vain. The only thing I could do was to be
her nurse, as I watched helpless as the pain got worse.
Then all at once she gave a great yelp, as if she was
saying 'oh God I need your help!
Then before I knew it her ordeal was at an end, the bone
was out and she was on the mend,
All of Gods Angels knew she needed aid, so they came
down to Earth to stop her from being afraid.
They blessed her with their loving touch,
because they knew she had suffered so much.
The pain had left her and she lay down to sleep
and for the rest of the night, I never heard another peep.
The Angels had left as soon as they came
but I know they will return again and again.
They all have a job to do, and that is to bless,
where there are sick and wounded in distress.
They kept dear Amber safe from harm,
that is why I called this The Angels Psalm
sylvia spencer