Woke up in the morning early and bumped my head...
Felt so sad that i hurt and ached but glad i was not dead.
I had a cat that talked back to me secretly....
No one witness, had ever seen him talk back at me.
My talking cat took archery lessons at the nearby YMCA...
He once accidentally shot himself into his left foot which was embarsssing to him that one summer sunny filled day and that was OK.
Then later on he took up boxing...
To one and all had found this fact most surprising and shocking.
He knocked out his sparring partner in the first round...
The only thing heard was his head hitting the ground.
My cat you see was a real smarty cat....
He was happy where he lived at.
My cat's name was Johnny cat...
As a kitten he grew into a nice cat that was not a rich spoiled rotten brat.
Johnny cat loved to chase mice every day...
He'd catch one between his paws and just pass them between paws of two.
He'd do this all day-He'd play and do...
The mouse population in our house was numbered in few.
My Johnny cat just loved to go fishing with me....
He could see into the water where i should toss my hook.
He loved sitting on the side of the brook...
Johnny cat loved days spent with me.
Johnny cat was a friend of thee.
Johnny cat loved having not to pay for his fish.
Johnny cat's favorite meal time fare was happened to be
that swimming wet fish as his favorite fun dish.
So-Next time you see a cat that boxes as well....
Other's you see will not believe your strangest and funny
sounding tale.
Michael Gale