a dog's world is different than man,
when two dogs become pals,
for life together they ban.
they can't reason or talk,
all man does is yell and screams,
sure dogs, a lot do bark.
dogs are faithful and true,
man can't be trusted,
no matter what you do.
a dog will never let you down,
when you look at them,
they make you frown.
have you ever seen a dog start a war?
man has given,
us hate and more.
dogs are friends for life,
all man can do,
is cause strife.
a dog's world is different than man,
and they say, the world is going to the dogs,
what we need to do is take a stand.
dogs are friends for life,
when two men fight they depart,
because dogs can't talk, there's no strife.
they say dogs are man's best friend,
well, let's take a lesson from dogs,
be friends and you will have a friend.
jim foulk