Baby, I'm so happy that I met you,
And you're the only one that makes me happy.
You are the reason I survive each day
Your are the air that I breathe,
You are the happiness to my crying soul.
I'm crying as I write this poem for you,
And I hope there are many more poems to come.
I'm crying tears of happiness and
I'm thanking the Lord above every night before I
close my eyes and dream of you.
I thank him every morning when I wake up and think of you
And I'm constantly thanking him for sending you to me so you can always make me happy and make me smile.
I'm glad that I keep you out of trouble
Because I don't know what I would do without you
To comfort me when I� m sad
I want to hear you say, Baby, don't worry, I'm always here for you.
Baby, I'm so happy that you're mine,
Because I cant see myself with another guy.
I hope that we will be together for a long time,
maybe even forever if possible.
Baby, I love the sound of your voice when you tell me you love me,
Because I really love you too,
And I want us to be together for as long as we can survive with each other,
Because I never wanna lose you...
Kimberly Santistevan