Sometimes I just can't wait to die. Suicide is what I hide. I can't show my pride...that's why I die inside. My feelings are being brused, my pain, my joy is being misused. These tears I cry I swear are not mine. What happened to me? ...I have depression you see, I used to be so happy! I never gave the intention to give up my soul for something that didn't satisfact me. opression, an OBSESSION. I'm living with this life learning lesson and it's upsessive. I let this emotions get to my head. I can't keep doing this or else I'll be dead. NO ONE can trust me they think I'm a threat. If I keep doing this I won't be the only one dead, and you don't want that to happen, if so it'll be such a dread. I'm making this a personal threat. Cause I got these mental thoughts in my head like ' I hope I dropp dead'...Then maybe people will know I am no joke, this is no threat. And if I pull the trigger the time is up. So people say all your goodbyes and no more hellos. Let me show you a trick, so when I hit that click no more tears you'll see my cry and no more fears I'll run and hide. No more pain you'll make me strain. So people say goodbyes and no more hellos. I'm going deep this time..I pulled the trigger and now I'm gone. This is what I call SUICIDE.
True Pixie ...Smith