Hiding in the hay
me a terrified little boy
& my uncle like a terrified little boy
the voices in his head
telling him to be afraid
of all strangers...changes.
He’s been like this
since the day his Dad(my unknown grandfather)
My Aunt’s voice
searching for us...searching us out.
Her shouts like bloodhounds
hunting us down
her words angry & cruel.
Her angry voice
slurring us into:
“DonallSeanie! ”
as if we had fused into one being
a metamorphosis of us.
The hay cooks us
and we swelter in our hidey hole
A chicken sits on top
of my uncle’s cap
as if his mind had
materialised into this shape.
He rocks himself
and rocks me.
“Shhhh...boy...shhhh! ”
comforting both him & me.
“Don’t leave me! ”
he clucks
the words scattered around him
like newly laid eggs.
I settle into his silence.
My Aunt’s threats
freezing us
in this terrible heat.
His chest hair
tickles my nose.
The cut on my left big toe
throbs through the open sandal.
My uncle cries in fear.
I wipe away the tear
with the dirty edge of my sleeve.
We escape to
the West field
me riding his shoulders
transformed into
a legendary creature
that only exists
in myths
fleeing from the realness
...of reality.
Dónall Dempsey