Lord, teach me balance in my life,
How to weigh what is good and what is right,
How to see beauty and not dwell on strife;
Be Thou my everlasting Light.
Lord, I look to Thee every Morn,
Greeting Thee with thanksgiving and Praise;
Thy Hand was upon me 'fore I was born,
Thou hast blessed me with Thy grace.
Keep me forever close to Thee
Permit me not to stray;
With Thee I want always to be,
For this I so fervently pray.
Take the seeds that I have sown,
Make them blossom to full grown,
Take my heart, make it like Thine own;
Take my soul, wed it to Thee alone.
O Lord, may I better image Thee
More and more toward eternity;
With Thee I want always to be,
And dwell with Thee eternally.
Carmela Patterson