They're singing my song...
Calling my name
It can be a day off...
Doesn't much matter
If I hear them in the distance
I can't just block them out
My ears perk up
Like an alert guard dog
And my heart quickens
Then the questions begin...
Where is it?
Fire, ambulance or police?
How many sirens?
Who would be working now?
Do they need any help?
Now...please understand...
In case you might be tempted
To think of me as one of those
Ambulance chasers...
( know...
Lawyers ready to pass out their card
To injured parties...)
Noooo! That's not me!
This is something that...
Is in my system...
It's part of my blood, bones and fibres
It's part of who I am...
And I just know...
That long after I'm retired...
When I hear (God willing) sirens
I will take a moment
Raise my head...
And ask those very same questions
It's just who I am!
Dee Daffodil (HW) October 22,2007
Dee Daffodil