Darkness creeps in
The sun disappears beyond the hills
And night has taken over
But the search is just beginning
Shadows cover the sidewalk
The street lamp flickers
On and off, a never ceasing blinking
And it makes the moment seem more urgent
I spin on the spot
Searching, seeking, spying
Watching, waiting, willing
For your face to appear
But the roads have worn us thin
No longer do we walk together
Alone you wonder, alone and lonely
And all I want is to find you
I just want to rest my head
Where it is welcome
My tears are no longer cherished
Just spilt in the fear
A fear that has consumed me
That I’ll have to say goodbye
Before I can say I’m sorry
I know you won’t hear this
And if you could you wouldn’t believe me
I’ve hurt you, deserted you
I’ve crushed who you are inside
Darkness creeps in
Alone you wonder the streets
I don’t know where you are
But I do know I’ll miss you when your gone
chloe poppins