Mew, mew, here comes my little pussy cat
She wants to play with me all the time
Although, she is a naughty little pussy cat
but I like her so much because she is a sweet cat
She is brown in color and I named her brownie
When I call her by name she answers with mew, mew
When I am not at home, she loves to jump on
my bed and to climb on my wardrobe
When I am at home she pretend that she is an innocent
little pussy cat.
Often she annoys my dog and when he bites her
then she makes huge cry and wants me to punish him
When my supper time comes, she sits on my dining table
and wait for her share to be given before I eat
When she finishes her meal quickly and she looks at me for more
When I shout at her and say that's enough for the day
then she gets angry and says mew, mew and run away
Ravi Sathasivam