September 11 an ordinary day, wake up to the sound of the alarm.
A husband says goodbye to a wife, a wife says goodbye to husband. A dad says goodbye to his kids, a mother says goodbye to her kids, heading to their final destinations not realising that will be goodbye for ever.
A man, a woman arrives at the towers of doom. To them another tuesday just like every other tuesday, filling out paperworks, answering phones not knowing their lives were about to be deprived from them.
The simple joy of existing, not being able to feel the warmt of the
summer breeze, the touch of a loved one, the sweet songs of the birds,
the beauty of the sunset or all such wonders which we take for granted. Then suddenly BOOM, all those simple joys were gone along with the victims, no heroes of september 11, although gone they will never be forgetten, because they still exist through the hearts of their loved ones.
Dedicated to the Victims/Heroes of September 11
Chrispin Johnson