Love thy neighbour as thyself:
It is not to love thy neighbour
HE was telling us all.
But to lead our lives fairly better
As to win the love of our neighbour.
It is a proposition powerful enough,
Like love itself, to make this sphere
An Eden of equally binding abodes.
Where in all would find lasting peace.
Thy faith would save you
Faith! Hold onto it, it will save you.
Not that you have faith in ME.
Not that you have faith in my Master.
But to have Peter-like faith in YOU.
The burglar who is out in the dark
Keeps great faith in him, not to be caught.
Isn’t this faith that saves him in the dark?
Or Does God connive with him when he loots?
Do unto others what you want others to do unto you
Easier it is said than it is done.
Give due respect to the dictates of your self
When you expect your God to be around
Or you do unto others what God would do unto them.
It takes a transformation to be so kind
And it is in such ones He takes his dictates to.
When it dictates to you to ‘do unto others’,
Just out you go doing it, and be one of His.
Oh Father! they know not……. forgive them
Let’s all reiterate our faith in Him again
That the day is fast approaching.
Yes, He comes to take another innings
And to get tortured and nailed to the cross.
Betrayed by the dear ones around,
Stoned at by the ‘not sinned’ and sinned,
Fallen and bled both by the faithless
And the faithful; let Him again plead:
Oh Father!
Not that they know not what they do.
Still forgive them,
For, you are all merciful.
A. Jayaprakash Jayaprakash Panicker