He takes my hand and we walk down the dark moon-lit path, he wipes
away my tears. I say i love you and he says i know. I want to be with
you I say, and he looks me in the eyes and says i know you do. I tell
him that i can't stop thinking about him, about us. he says i know and
holds me tight, i begin to cry and he tries to comfort me. I look up at
him and tell him that i never stopped loving him. He says he knows and
he loves me too. I continue to stare at his endless beauty, and as
millions of tears hit the ground and my heart breaks a little more as his
eyes burn my soul, i long to be with him, and ask him why we can't be
together foever embracing our love for each other, he looks down a
me kisses me softly in the shining moonlight, and says, because this is
a dream....I wake up to find a cold wet pillow and a memory of a dream
that will haunt me forever....
Jessica Elizondo