… and he turns and looks me in the eyes,
Utterly gorgeous
(no surprise) :
and from memory
he says to me
‘I promise to love you;
respect you;
protect you;
honour you;
to live life to the full with you
and be your MAN. Always’.
This is how it happened that day.
And I turn and look the Registrar in the eyes,
(take him, I think, a touch by surprise) ,
and am forced to say
(to parental dismay)
‘I can barely remember my own name today;
I will read my vows, if perhaps I may’.
And so I turn to my almost-husband,
prepare to don his wedding band
and through joy-teared eyes I vow, and say:
‘I promise always to love you,
and all that real love entails.
You said it. We know it.
I love you. Always’.
And ‘Always’ begins each day anew;
You always for me, as I am for you.
Stronger and firmer with each passing day.
I never thought life could have been this way.
A one-liner the vows indeed may have been...
but my memory fades in realisation of dreams.
By saying what we say
every single day,
I could have kept vows more simple for me:
‘I love you; I live you; I life you, D’.
Tara Sloblock