The loveliest poem I ever wrote
was with almost a dozen couplets
my fingers sang, when they met yours -
the glimmer in your eyes said it all.
The loveliest poem I ever wrote
was the quadrets born when my lips
and yours gently interwove -
the shiver in your hands shown it small.
The loveliest poem I ever wrote
was the sonnets my body composed
every time it stroked yours in rhythm -
the murmer in your lips claimed it tall.
The loveliest poem I ever wrote
was the haiku my heart pronounced
when I showered love deep within you -
the tremor in your body praised it well.
The loveliest poem I ever wrote
was the hymn born from silence
when my soul mixed with yours -
the flower in your womb is my nobel.
Putholi Arumugham T