To whom should I ask for truth
Quest has its own array of dissolution
change seems to be art of nature
as time changes from dawn to dusk
mystic shadow reasons to reason myth
to whom should we ask the reeling truth
love lies hidden under unreachable quest
cloud seems to riffle in deep darkness
soul swells by love’s whispers
even deep wounds heals up by resilience
passion finds its room of own rhythm eclectic
heart intones by blue from heaven
secrets of sweetness oozes from within
mist of rain sizzles across veil of desire
own ness loses its strength of innocence
sacredness overlays allusion by deferring
night seems to redeem being enlightened
summer yet follows winter by cycle
skin knows reeks of change by age
dusk happens to happen inevitable by mystery
don’t ask me, I may not tell you truth
Dr subhendu kar