You’ve grown more beautiful, ” My Mother”
As the years have passed you by.
'Mother', my dearest friend,
as viewed from her children's eye.
Gracefully her lips upwardly turned
smiling, as she toils throughout her day.
Not a complaint ever heard
Not a bad word ever spoken, does she say.
Sharing her love as she hums her chores along
While raising her eyes up towards Heaven
Humming her Heavenly Mother's daily song.
The joy that she gets
while serving us all so.
I only hope that she knows how much,
We all do love her though.
She’s taught me to be a better person like her
With courage to hide all sorrow and pain endured.
Soreness of legs, swollen veins have taken their toll
Hands bleeding, dried and cracked
From the seeds in life which for all she has sowed.
Never letting on that she is anything but proud
No need to shout it out for others to hear.
Just whispering always to her children
All her heart for what she loves so dear.
'Dear Mother, Dearest woman'
This day was made solely for only you.
For the years you have devoted to your children
With a Mother’s loving heart so tried and true.
Linda Winchell