2-abase whores (poem)
The fogey girl on date of love bombards
A spiral rose is hips and thighs for foods
To grow by root and sent with sex for sell
Roomful of watchers tear he modern bee!
A monetary location swamp the breath
The monk in debt with hell and earthed
Who gona laws abiding as one buy?
The beauty forms the holes to some buttons
A little cash will pay all lives slowing
For what arise and active may be loves
To add the actions louder than a word
You get off some respect and your coating
On bed your states are roll and rotate
With kisses on whips and fishes on playing roads
For peaches and plums are holding on for eating
On south and dive in skin are greeting arts
A smiling face is blind and strike by bounds
On cheeses the scum contrive as chess on queens
A swing of shocking toys is deep to wounds
A clay of mud controls by fires in bouts
To limit the value heating valve alive
The slug of body coiling front to line
Her back is down and off as no walls
A borrow bleeding souls with full wallets
--meter poem iambic with 5 foot on whores by Cauchy3=Cheung shun Sang --
http: //laplace181.hyperboards2.com
cheung shun sang