GAL 5: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
What if?
What if we were incapable of love?
Or to see the beauty in a snow white dove,
What if this life simply held no joy,
No playful shenanigans of a baby boy,
What if in this life we had no peace?
Just a greed to own the Golden Fleece;
What if mankind harbored only blindness,
No long-suffering and zero kindness;
What if we just lived and died,
Were never truthful, but always lied.
What if in this life there was no hope,
Just a scaffolding and hangman’s rope
What if we possessed no goodness;
No faithfulness nor loving-kindness
What if we spent our lives in fears
Of addicts, drunks and sexual queers,
What if we had lived in the time of Lott,
God destroyed Gomorrah, but mankind forgot.
What if I tell you “Its now taking place,
This world degenerates at diabolical pace”
What if Sodom and Gomorrah returns as ‘old sod’,
Again man will witness… the awesome wrath of God! ! !
Alf Hutchison