'Might i suggest
(she sweetly smiles)
'...you don't...twitch? '
'Sorry! ' I bashfully apologise
going bright red & more jumpy.
For 'it' alas, seems to have
a mind of its own
turned on by the soft sound of charcoal
caressintg the white skin of paper
& 'it'
appears to be
quite enthusiastic
(& quite distracted
by the fact that)
all you are wearing is
a hat.
Eddie Calvert
& his golden trumptet
lost somewhere in the 50's
comes back from my lost childhood
and scatters 'Cherry Pink
& Apple Blossom White'
across the summer
of this garden.
There are time I am asked to disrobe not for any sensual lacivious purpose but purely for aesthetic artistic purposes. Alas, there are time I admit that both the lasciviousness and the ethic of the aesthetic come together to form a Venn Diagram incorporating both these element.. Then the aesthetic is set aside and the sensual like cream...comes to the top.
Dónall Dempsey