Wise and magical as Nanny Ogg and Granny
Weatherwax are Hanlie and June concocting
magical forms that do sums in proof of what
we’ve done so preparing a production sheet
becomes a breeze
It’s as good as having Hogwart’s Sorting Hat on
my head, the form reads my mind and gives me
answers telling my life, June showed me how
to gain more time for translations, Hanlie gave
me leave to do more research
Forgetting magic requires special treatment
Jane destroyed the form without respect; the
magical form inspired me to new agricultural
heights, safe within the form’s woven web
calculating fun allotted everyone
sparkles in the air, joy in the office – brought
about by our two local witches, June Ogg and
Hanlie Weatherwax; Jane could be Magrat the
confused and I could be Perdita, singing for
Christine in Maskerade…
From: Terry Pratchett “Lords and Ladies” and
“Maskerade” - two clever witches, Granny
Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg, a young witch
Magrat and a younger witch, Perdita, who
likes to sing.
Margaret Alice