Looking in the mirror
Not liking what I see
I want look like them
Don't want to look like me
I want to be those other girls
They're really pretty but mean
I am just fat, ugly and spotty
And always wearing jeans
The one thing I like
About my body, about me
Is the fact that I
Am not at all that mean
They may be very pretty
And really skinny too
But people only pretend for them
Their friends are untrue
I have real friends
Who would always help me out
They like me for who I am
Not because I scream and shout
They rule their friends in fear
They're not really loved
Whereas me, I am totally different
Who cares if I get pushed and shoved
I am not like them
I am totally unique
So is everyone else
I may not be very chic
But I have friends that like me
And I am nice to you
So next time I want to be like them
I'll remember that my friends are true
Katniss Everdeen