Whether or NOT its a Bluff-
Makes little difference to ALL concerned-
We MUST Always Be Prepared-nevertheless...
As if we're not careful we might get burned! ;
Preperation for This Day Must Be Planned...
Ahead of time-down to every minor detail...
With ample 'Sight and Sound View'...
We cannot allow this movie to fail! ;
Making a movie takes work as you all know...
And dedication far beyond the pale-
The actors must excel and do very well...!
To bring much deserved fame to this starring male;
And so i say to ALL of YOU...
My quiet-my secret-my clan...
This IS something that we MUST DO...! ! !
Thank you ALL for giving me a hand! ;
May 14,2010
Dedicated to: Carla C.
And To: Katie H.
Theodora (Theo) Onken