Alas! Distance is our known enemy
We are at receiving end and not free
I breathed every second for your company
I couldn’t make it possible to accompany
My heart bled for strong bond
I wished and was very fond
I swam with limited scope in pond
I have no patience to wait for second
The air was thickening with smoke
The heart was threatened with stroke
It was matter of time with no time bound
Still it breathed heavily and went round
It was first known contact made in open
The views really matched and tried to reopen
The distance was narrowing and tried to unite
It was beautiful and pleasant night
Two hearts did not think of any adversity
It was need of the hour and necessasity
How two love bound souls longed for each other?
They thought nothing and did not bother
They were memorable and not dying moments
It did no wait for any favorable comments
They did everything to breathe in jovial mood
It served as medicine, tonic and food
I get the message from wind’s direction
I visualize your face with romantic action
You are there eagerly waiting for my embrace
It may not be possible without His grace
Today doesn’t belong to me or not in my hand
The memory clearly plays as true friend
I shall not make it known to the world
I wish only to become part and come in your fold
We were moving in expected line
it was friendship day called as valentine
We may not be able to witness it as golden shine
I consider it as only gift and precious to be divine
hasmukh amathalal