Retirement requires careful planning, I shall have to
keep quiet all the time; fine, it shall force me to write
when ideas keep flowing in my head, today in class
we learnt that French Kings – Clovis and Louis the
Fourteenth - have been cut from the curriculum
making space for international events
Brains have no space for boring historical facts, might
as well abolish history as subject since history is stories
made-up to exert autocratic power over subjects; today
has been a total mess – no going with the flow, but no
problem – tomorrow is another day as Scarlet O’Hara
eloquently declared in Gone with the Wind
I learnt to look for political articles on BBC Afrique, seek
for jewels of wisdom amongst political intrigue - finding
none, I am so much wiser, no time is ever wasted, just
knowing what we detest helps us to know preference,
I am ready for Retirement, knowing that my title of
Bookworm, Poet and Spy
Confers a job description no form of retirement can take
away, always the incumbent to promote Astronomy,
Science Fiction, Quantum Physics, Fairytales
and Walt Disney
Margaret Alice Second