Imran Khan inaugurated Indian Merchants Chamber "Let's look East: Embracing the Eastern Portlands" exhibition at the Rampart Gallery, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai, on Thursday. The actor came forward to support the cause of preserving port lands. He came to the event in an off-white suit that he paired up with a blue colour shirt. Imran, who made his Bollywood debut with "Jaane Tu…Ya Jaane Na", is currently busy shooting for Nikhil Advani's "Katti Batti". Talking about the movie Imran said, "The shooting of my next film has started. The film is by Nikhil Advani. It's called ‘Katti Batti'. I am working with Kangana (Ranaut) for the first time. Have shot for around 20-25 days, we have atleast 40-50 days of shooting left"
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