From the Nordic coolness of Island: Skalmöld dash again with a fiery Viking Metal style that defies every winter and even brings the thickest ice floes to melt. Their upcoming album MED VÆTTUM connects seamlessly with the previous efforts BALDUR (2010) & Börn LOKA (2012). On MED VÆTTUM, Skalmöld celebrate and perfect Viking Metal with the whole body and pull fans with heroic, mythic texts, epic stories and tangible instrument technology into the spell. Clearly visible as on the evocative cover artwork: These weather-beaten Vikings can neither harm wind nor weather.
Artist: Ásgeir Jón Ásgeirsson (
Motion Graphics: Kristján Lyngmo (
English Translation: Snorri Kristjánsson: (
Pre-order "Með Vaettum" now:
MANAGER: Stijn Edge
[email protected] - BOOKING: Merle Doering
[email protected] - ICELANDIC MANAGER: Kristinn Th.
[email protected]