ADNAN OKTAR: At the BBC, in the other news agencies or in the newspapers, there are some people that are admirers of communism reminiscent of the year 1971, holdovers from the youth of ‘68. These people are dreaming of something. But they don’t think how terrifying their practical applications would be and how they would make people uncomfortable. First of all, the people of the region are Muslims who believe in God, people who take great pleasure from their faith.
And what are you saying? “I am against God, I am against religion, I am against family”. “I am against morality”. If you take away his religion, it means you are taking away everything he has. His life will not have a meaning afterwards. You are saying, “I will bring you a federated government”, etc. That man would actually live on a little piece of bread and cheese, but would not accept getting involved with something ignoble like this. He needs spirituality, love, mercy, compassion, faith and the fear of God and the love of God. Those people are unaware of this fact. Generally these young people are atheists. They are making an assessment according to their own mindsets, from about two thousand, three thousand, four thousand kilometers away. They haven’t gone there and seen the situation. They don’t know the people living there either. They are attempting to force ideologies that are completely opposite to the nature, soul and psychology of those people that would terrify them, that would make them feel uncomfortable.
What happened? Look, an ISIS reaction appeared and they are now strangling people and cutting their heads off wherever they find them. This is how such things end. If you force someone to do something that he doesn’t want, you make that person go crazy, you disrupt his balance, you make him mentally depressed, you cause insanity in society.
Thus, they caused insanity among both the Iraqi and Syrian people. Even though they knew that there was a great reaction against communism, they tried to force it down their throats. Look, right now in Kobani and elsewhere, the ones who rebel against the PKK, who hang them and chop them up are all Kurds. They are showing a fierce reaction because they see them as opposite to their own beliefs, because they feel an enormous hatred towards them.
And even though they have been wiped off from the whole region, they still are trying to present themselves as if they have achieved something in that region. Well my brother, you keep saying confusing things like federative (governance) and etc. Where are those people who advocated such concepts? They fled already and they are still fleeing. Look, they made a statement and said, “We are leaving here, here and here by our own will and we are leaving happily.” Well, the truth of the matter is that you don’t have any place to hold on there. ISIS holds sway all across the 600 kilometer- long area. What are you talking about? They got stuck in a very small area in Kobani. Nobody takes those people into consideration In the Middle East, people want to live by their own faiths. They want to live Islam. Islam is mostly lived there. Nobody accepts communism. The whole region fully comprehended the horrible side of communism from our broadcasts. There is a great hatred against it; there is no way for them to hold on there any longer.
Look, I told them to run away, and they did. But they are not saying that they are running away, instead they are saying “We are leaving happily”. You are running away, I told you to, and you are running away. That is because they will come to slaughter you. You have been defeated and it is over. There is no such idea anymore. The Middle East would never accept communism. The next era will be the era of Islam. This century is the century of Islam.
The children of the eighty percent of the refugees who came from Kobani fight against the PKK together with ISIS. That’s the truth and all of them are aware of this fact. Our mothers and sisters who come here, are all faithful. And they all hate communists, they all hate the communist PKK members, the murderers. They are very happy to get rid of them. The people don’t want those filthy ones to come to their region. If they want, they can make a poll about this. People fiercely hate them.
The American communist, with the handle Bukçin, says he is advocating anarchist communism. But we see that the anarchist communism doesn’t have any place in the world anymore. They have been crushed everywhere. Öcalan aspires to be one of the pseudo-intellectuals. He takes their statements, he takes their speech and he is trying to make up something by making use of these citations. Nobody is listening to Öcalan right now. Forcibly, the deep state of America is supporting him. The Turkish deep state is supporting Öcalan as well. The deep state of the UK is supporting h