Fans are now waiting for Aamir Khan’s next. Our khoofiya bird says that Aamir has signed up for Dangal by Nitesh Tiwari. So is that the Sach or is it just a rumour?
But on the flip side aren't we seeing PK's well muscled body? With the storyline of Dangal based on a pehelwaan, Aamir's well toned body is sending many minds thinking!
Add to this a natkhat Aamir on being asked if he is doing Dangal just smiled and said nothing . This made it even more fishy.
With PK crossing the 300 crore mark, we expect Aamir to bring in more such movies Dangal for example. Knowing Aamir's fetish for perfection we look forward to Dangal and Aamir's perfect role.
Anyway we look forward to Aamir's next. - Dangal or no Dangal.