Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets across France on Saturday in tribute to the victims of this week’s terrorist attacks.
From==Nantes to Nice==, the scenes have been similar with the “Je suis Charlie” banner on full display, along with people brandishing pencils to represent the right to free speech and cartoonists’ freedom of expression.
It is only a small preview of what is likely on Sunday when more than a million people in Paris alone are expected to take part in an unprecedented show of solidarity.
Foule impressionnante à Nice via tonybaudesson #CharlieHebdo— GERSCHEL✏️ Frédéric (fgerschel) January 10, 2015
They will be joined by several European leaders including Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
As authorities expect so many people to join the rally in the capital, the start points will be divided up and stretched across the city.
Manuel Valls, the Prime Minister of